Piet Oudolf in Detroit Update #2

Dutch Garden Design Master Piet Oudolf Proposed!

He proposed! In mid-May, we were thrilled to receive a proposal from Piet Oudolf for a 1.5-acre garden he envisions in the heart of Belle Isle’s cultural area.
As Richard Thomas, a Garden Club of Michigan member and local landscape designer put it, “He saw what no one else did. The hole in the donut between the Conservatory, the Carillon, and the Band Shell.”

We have shared the site he has selected with the Department of Natural Resources and the Belle Isle Conservancy so that it will be included in their strategic planning process.  We have our fingers crossed that we can get the go ahead sooner rather than later. Their initial response has been very positive since a garden in this area will help to focus attention on their efforts to restore two iconic structures: the carillon and the band shell.

It takes a village to plant a garden. The Garden Club of Michigan was excited to have been able to bring Piet to Detroit. We are also pleased that people are stepping forward to serve on our advisory committee.
Now, working in concert with many of you, we need to raise the money and the support needed to make this vision a reality.Having an Oudolf garden in Detroit on Belle Isle is a historic opportunity that benefits us all on so many levels. If you want to read more about Piet’s work, his new book on the High Line Canal is available in June.  
Hope to have more good news to share with you next month.
-Piet’s Detroit Fan Club

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